What is Grace and Truth Evangelism?
Grace and Truth Evangelism is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is primarily evangelistic, promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our main thrust in ministry is to be theologically sound with three goals in mind:
– To preach the Gospel. It is our desire to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ as often as possible. It is our hope that unbelievers, and false converts, who listen to us will hear the message of the gospel and be saved from their sins.
– To equip the saints to preach & defend the Gospel. This is done through video and audio courses and hands-on training. Some people teach evangelism, and some actually do it, but we practice what we preach. We have a large quantity of quality resources on hand to keep the laborer well supplied.
– To strengthen the local church. The biblical way to do this is to evangelize the lost outside of the church. The Bible says in Romans 10:17 “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” When the Holy Spirit works on their hearts and converts them, we plug them into a good, local church. The pastor and teachers disciple them, which edifies the body of Christ, till they all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. They are then equipped for the work of ministry, which includes going out to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost.
Why Grace And Truth Evangelism?
Our desire is to proclaim Jesus Christ to the lost as often as possible. We accomplish this through outreaches at sporting events, Mardi Gras parades, fairs and festivals, state universities, one-on-one evangelism, gospel tract distribution, and even in our local churches.
Our Hopes and Desires.
– To see God save souls through the proclamation of the Gospel.
– To never do anything that would bring dishonor to our Lord’s name.
– To train up a body of laborers who would join us in the harvest field.
Who Are We?
All of our members are Bible-believing, born-again Christians, saved by faith alone, who bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As a para-church organization, we are under the oversight of pastors of various churches in the South Louisiana area. The work of this ministry is completed by dedicated volunteers who trust in the Lord by faith, and we look to Him to supply our needs. Each donation is gratefully appreciated. Grace and Truth Evangelism is a biblical and educational organization whose sole purpose is the promotion of biblical Christianity. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations to Grace And truth Evangelism are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please consider partnering with us so we can reach more souls.
The Mission.
One of the most challenging evangelistic activities is street evangelism. This is where the Bible-believing, born-again follower of Jesus Christ approaches a total stranger for the purpose of explaining the gospel to them. When most people think of evangelism, this is exactly what they have in mind. It can be intimidating to them, but it is also, very rewarding. There are people who, unless they hear the gospel from a stranger, are not likely going to hear it at all. Many encounters are with people who are completely outside of the faith and ignorant of the basics of the gospel (i.e., Jesus died in the place of sinners). But that is exactly why this kind of evangelism is exhilarating. You never know who you are going to talk to. They could be an atheist, an agnostic, a Roman Catholic, Messianic Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Oneness Pentecostal, member of an apostate church, Muslim, New-Ager, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, or a self-righteous false convert. Perhaps the person is a true Christian who just needs some discipleship training. This is exactly what makes evangelism compelling and frightening.
Reasons Why We Evangelize.
1. God is glorified. Whether someone is saved or not, when God’s name is proclaimed, He is glorified.
2. Fellowship becomes more meaningful.
3. Prayer becomes deeper.
4. Bible study becomes more of a priority.
5. We lose the fear of man and develop more of a fear of God.
6. When we share the gospel with someone, a great sense of accomplishment is achieved. “Whew!!! I DID IT.”
7. There is a revival in the church.
8. Society is changed.
9. When someone repents of their sins, puts their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, is changed by the power of the Holy
10. Spirit, there is rejoicing in heaven, and God gets the credit.
11. The biblical training in evangelism that we use comes from “The Way of the Master.”
12. Dr. Bill Bright from Campus Crusade for Christ estimated that only 2% of Christians actively share their faith on a regular basis. Are you a Two Percenter?